Torrentz2 screenshot
Screenshot of Torrentz2 website

Domain is offline

Torrentz2 is no longer accessible through its main .eu domain name. The search engine remains accessible through its alternative domain

The popular torrent site is also accessible via various Torrentz2 proxy sites.

Torrentz2 blocked is blocked in several countries around the world. Unblock Torrentz2 website by using a Torrentz2 proxy site. torrent page is a clone, successor and replacement of, a fast and powerful torrent meta-search engine combining results from dozens of torrent sites. Torrentz2 appeared some days after the original site removed the torrent search option. With a massive 75 torrent sites in their index and with a total of 55 million torrents, it certainly has a wide coverage. While adding extra features such as torrent quality voting (fake, password, virus) and an overview of the latest verified music, movies and TV torrents, the site has grown a large user base. Verified and Good torrents can be found for moderated torrent sites only.

Torrentz2 is open about the fact that it is not related to the original Torrentz ( and positions itself as a new and improved version. The sites growth shows that it is widely accepted as an alternative to the former

Tags Torrentz proxy, Torrentz2 unblocked, torrentz alternative, torrentz download links, Torrentz UK proxy, torrentz 2 proxy, magnet link torrent download
Link is down
2 ratings
site status down
torrent site typedownload torrents without registration
blocked in 8 countries

Torrentz2 Alternative Sites

Legit and save Torrentz2 sites

There are Torrentz2 proxy sites, alternative URLs and mirror sites. Some of them are legit and trustworthy while others may harm a visitors computer or try to make profit by misleading users to malicious adverts.

How do you know which Torrentz2 site you can use safely?

Check the official IRC channels, Reddits, Twitter or Facebook profiles or simply have a look on the status page providing a list of verified links.

Status Updates and Notes

7 comments for Torrentz2

  • Tabrez 8 years ago

    fantastic site

  • hammin 7 years ago

    torrentz2 dot eu is nice
    torrentz2 dot cc is not a real proxy

  • Shubham 7 years ago

    I love this site But why blocked this site

  • leafs 7 years ago

    like to know where you go to put your torrents on that search engine torrentz2….I have a torrent site a bit new still but trying just needing users and it would rocket with more torrents like crazy…..

  • Hallclinton 6 years ago

    I would like to see some good movies, so I was directed to web . I think it should be good.

  • ReportingBlock 5 years ago

    Canada, using VPN Blocked on all links. Message on page that comes up is:

    Error 522 Ray ID: 51f353000e643e90 • 2019-10-02 02:43:09 UTC
    Connection timed out

  • Simo Kurosaki 4 years ago

    Torrentz2 no work

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