TorrentLeech screenshot
Screenshot of TorrentLeech website

TorrentLeech is private torrent tracker with a large content base. TL offers scene and non-scene uploads with good pre-times. It’s quite hard to keep a good ratio for new users as no bonus system exists and mostly users have to wait before new torrents are available for download.

TorrentLeech is a popular ‘general’ tracker, often recommended beside nCore, AlphaRatio or the controversial IPT.

Invites are given away from time to time, announced on TL’s homepage and diverse online forums and communities.

Site Categories
  • Movies
  • TV
  • Games
  • Music
  • Animation
  • Books
  • Education
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Tags TL invite, TorrentLeech ratio, freeleech
2 ratings
site status online for 232 days
private tracker invite only – signups closed

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comments for TorrentLeech

  • Dominick LoMacchio 5 years ago

    hello torrentleech i’m having a problem, trying 2 get the browser 2 open. would u be able 2 help me out. thanks a very happy customer

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