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Screenshot of OneBigTorrent website

OneBigTorrent has shut down has stopped operation in July 2017. A farewell notice on OneBigTorrent’s website reads:

This is goodbye

Dear friends — after more than a decade of more or less uninterrupted service, is closing its doors. Maintaining the site in such a way as to ensure the security of its users has become too hard of a task, our resources being what they are. To continue with the site’s code in its current state would be irresponsible.

As torrent sites go, we believe we had an exceptional run. Our analytics tell us that since it was started, the site has reached more than 60 million individual users from all over the world. Considering our niche status, this is an extraordinary number. 

Special thanks go out to all the donors who helped with server costs and allowed us to keep the site ad-free for many of those years. We’d also like to thank those of you who took it upon themselves to share content on the site – obviously, the site would have been useless without you. 

If you would like to get in touch, please write to this new adress (removed). We’ve been thinking about publishing farewell notes from users and contributors on this page, so let us know if you’d like to be included. For any legal / DMCA related requests, please turn to (removed). 

The crew torrent page

OneBigTorrent is a movie torrent site focused on documentaries and also books. The

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Tags documentary torrents, movie torrent downloads, OneBigTorrent down, Chomsky torrents, ebook torrents,, documentaries online
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