Best tracker to start for ebooks and audiobooks
MyAnonaMouse (MAM) is a large ebooks and audiobooks torrent source. The ebooks collection is ranging from current blockbuster releases to those rare gems. MyAnonaMouse not only has a great selection of both audio and ebooks but also musicology and radio content. MAM has a big community which is very friendly, in general the site is very community focused. In fact, the rules about the community are longer than the rules about torrents.
MyAnonaMouse users describe the private tracker as follows:
- no harsh rules
- friendly staff
- lots of E-Learning content
- no pornographic/erotic content
- easy ratio maintaining
Torrent collection for fans and musicians
Musicians will find lick libraries, sheet music and instructional media. Ebooks can be found in many different versions (mobile, high quality) and formats like PDF and EPUB.
Ebook torrents alternative to other trackers
MyAnonaMouse might be a good alternative for everyone who can’t get into hard to join e-learning tracker Bibliotik.
Invite interviews on IRC
At this time, invites on IRC are only available in two time slots:
- Saturday 08:00 GMT to Sunday 09:00 GMT
- Wednesday 08:00 GMT to Thursday 09:00 GMT
The official MAM channels on (6697) are and #trivia.
My Anonamouse – new name, new domain
Social media reports that MAM was originally called Anonamouse until the owner of the domain blocked the SysOp and someone else set up MyAnonamouse.
irc port?
How do I get an invitation
Please send and invite to [email protected]
It would be much appreciated
invite [email protected]?
As the comment of g4ladri3l on reddit was quite helpful for me, I’d like to share it here:
If anyone gets into MAM and is confused regarding ratio, here is a little guide.
You will receive bonus gift from other MAM members as soon as you join. Just join their IRC channel and introduce yourself. DONT ASK FOR POINTS EVER, you will get a bunch of it if u r nice on chat.
Use these points to buy upload credit; 1GB for 500 points. Now that u have positive ratio, go ahead and download stuff.
I will recommend downloading individual books instead of audiobooks or big packs in the beginning. MAM awards you bonus points for seeding torrents (even if no one is leeching). So if u download single books (20-30MB in size) you can seed a lot of them and get points in return.
Bonus points in MAM are like Minecraft resources; better to farm it than to waste it on a single big file.
Once you have your farm setup. Go ahead setup autodl-irssi filters to download daily newspapers, magazines, whatever the heck you want.
Can you please give me a invitation
[email protected]
invite please to [email protected]
and thank you
hello invite me please, [email protected]
Hi. Can I get an invite? [email protected]
Can I get an invite to [email protected]? Thank you.
Looking for an invite [email protected]
Please send invite to [email protected]
Thank you
Please invite me:
[email protected]
Can someone Invite me please? [email protected]
Thanks in Advanced