BTDigg search is down (Update 3)
While the homepage of BTDigg’s successor is working again, the original DHT search is still defunct. It currently prompts an error 521.
Alternative torrent search sites are:
BTDigg Alternative: BTDig (Update 2)
BTDig ( is a popular successor of the defunct
Original is down (Update)
The original has partly redirected to a malicious advertising site and now prompts an error 352, meaning the server is down. The official has been online 2016 for the last time and stays silent since then. The DHT torrent search BTDigg is no longer available.
BTDigg proxy and mirrors
BTDigg successors like appeared after the original site shut down. So did several BTDig proxy sites helping to unblock it.
What is BTDigg?
BTDigg is a BitTorrent DHT search engine. Instead of relying on .torrent files BTDigg uses BitTorrent’s DHT to discover new files. All results return as a magnet link. The project name is an acronym of BitTorrent Digger.
According to TF, BTdigg has discontinued its service as more and more torrent spam flooded the index. At this time the site’s operator considered a comeback of BTDigg in case he finds a solution to deal with the spam issue. After BTDigg went down in 2016, did not came back online.
Alternative BTDigg sites
The DHT crawler empowering BTDigg’s torrent search was open sourced. With the code being public available, several alternative BTDigg variants appeared. One of the most popular successors is
DHT torrent search,, BT Dig,, btdig proxy, BitTorrent DHT search, BTDigg down
Link is down