Btbit screenshot
Screenshot of Btbit website

Btbit is down (December 2019)

Btbit has hopped through several subdomains in the recent months but looks to be completely offline since some weeks. The last official and accessible domain is The torrent search is no more active on or its original URL

Btbit has become quite popular among users looking for a comprehensive magnet torrent search. Now, this torrent search has stopped their service as some other DHT search sites in recent months. BT Kitty, DIGBT and BTDigg are just a few DHT torrent search engines that have closed it’s doors. torrent page

Btbit is DHT torrent search engine. The sites search result page provides torrent details and magnet download links.

Alternatives to Btbit

There are a handful more DHT torrent search sites providing magnet link search results. If you are looking for an Btbit alternative you can check one of these sites:

Tags DHT torrent search, magnet links, bt bit search, proxy
Language Chinese (Mandarin)
Link is down
2 ratings
site status online for 70 days
torrent site typedownload torrents without registration

Btbit Alternative Sites

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sidebar: blocked in countries; 3 proxy sites, link to more; similar torrent sites; VPN ads