BT Kitty screenshot
Screenshot of BT Kitty website

BT Kitty is offline – Alternatives (December 2019)

BT Kitty’s official URL is inaccessible for weeks. Proxies like and are also defunct. Almost all mirror and proxy sites related to BT Kitty serve an Cloudflare error message (Error 1016).

Alternative magnet torrent sites are MagnetDL, TorrentSeeker and Snowfl. Find a list of more BT Kitty alternatives below.

Latest URL btkittyplus (May 2019)

The new official domain of BT Kitty is While the former domains contain the country code CN in the name, it seems that the new domains use the extension PLUS.

BT Kitty moved to new domain, again (April 2019)

The DHT torrent search BT Kitty switched to Like the previous domains used by BT Kitty (, the new one includes CN in it’s URL.

BT Kitty is down (Update)

The DHT torrent search engine BT Kitty is offline blocked. If BT Kitty is not working for you, you might check a proxy site or torrent VPN. torrent page

BT Kitty is a BitTorrent DHT search engine. BT Kitty’s database is formed by DHT users. BT Kitty participates in the DHT network and follows the DHT protocol specification.

According to the site’s FAQ the decentralization of BT Kitty provides the opportunity to search in the entire ‘torrent’ space inside and outside of trackers (except private trackers).

BT Kitty returns all torrent search result as a magnet link and provides additional torrent file links from an external torrent storage site.

The torrent search site is popular in Asian countries especially in China, Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. BT Kitty is blocked in some countries and changes its domain from time to time. BT Kitty proxy sites let visitors bypass the blocking of BT Kitty domains.

In an attempt to overcome the blockade, BT Kitty moves to new domains more and more often. Here, the admins change not only the top level domain but also often the name of the magnet search engine. For example, the official website redirects to domains called btkittyCN and btkittyPLUS.

Alternatives to BT Kitty

There are a handful more DHT torrent search sites providing magnet link search results. If you are looking for a BT Kitty alternative you can check one of these sites:

Tags BTKitty torrent search, bt搜索, DHT torrent search engine, cnbtkitty, 磁力链接, Chinese torrent search, bt kitty magnet links, BT Kitty proxy, kitty torrent
Language Chinese (Mandarin)
Link is down
2 ratings
site status down
torrent site typedownload torrents without registration
blocked in 3 countries

BT Kitty Alternative Sites

Official domains used as an alternative to in 2025.


Legit and save BT Kitty sites

There are BT Kitty proxy sites, alternative URLs and mirror sites. Some of them are legit and trustworthy while others may harm a visitors computer or try to make profit by misleading users to malicious adverts.

How do you know which BT Kitty site you can use safely?

Check the official IRC channels, Reddits, Twitter or Facebook profiles or simply have a look on the status page providing a list of verified links.

Status Updates and Notes

3 comments for BT Kitty

  • Zer0 6 years ago

    Need a working kitty proxy.

  • anon 6 years ago

    +Really good search engine

    -FU**** HUGE amounts of ad/suspicous redirects

  • hansolocambo 6 years ago

    “FU**** HUGE amounts of ad/suspicous redirects”

    install poper blocker (pop up blocker for chrome) and you won’t be annoyed anymore. All websites that usually notice the blocker and ask you to put it OFF just don’t see poper blocker. It does an amazing job and seems to be untrackable so far.

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sidebar: blocked in countries; 3 proxy sites, link to more; similar torrent sites; VPN ads