Boxing Torrents screenshot
Screenshot of Boxing Torrents website

TC Boxing (TC) aka Boxing Torrents (BT) is a sports tracker focused on boxing. The site tracks match videos of both amateur and pro versions of the sport, boxing documentaries, radio shows and other high definition content (including foreign content) related to boxing.

BT/TC shares videos of boxing matches from all over the world, not just recent matches but many classics as well.

Tags boxing torrents, TC boxing, boxing torrent file, boxing downloads, no spoilers, tc-boxing torrent, sport torrent sites
2 ratings
site status online for 430 days
private tracker invite only – signups closed

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comments for Boxing Torrents

  • plondon 4 years ago

    This site is HORRIBLE. Don’t waste your time. A bunch of wanna be boxers that couldn’t throw a punch to save their pathetic little souls.

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