BitTorrent Token (BTT) screenshot
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BTT token (BTT) is a TRC-10 token, a TRON-based standard which allows BitTorrent users to offer their services in exchange for BTT coins. BitTorrent Token’s main purpose is to reward torrent users for seeding torrent files and speed up torrent downloads for others.

BitTorrent BTT Token

BitTorrent plans to introduce a feature called BitTorrent Speed. It will be integrated into the BitTorrent client and μTorrent and will enable torrent users to trade BTT in exchange for continued prioritized access to seeds. BitTorrent (BTT) tokens can be bid in exchange for faster download speeds. The torrent tokens are  stored in a built-in BitTorrent wallet and can be traded for TRON tokens through a decentralized exchange.

By connecting the BitTorrent network to the TRON blockchain TRON aims to tokenize the world’s largest decentralized file sharing protocol – BitTorrent – with BTT.

Tags BTT coin, BitTorrent Token, btt token price, BTT news, torrent token, BitTorrent coin
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