Bitsnoop IRC Channels
- Connect to Bitsnoop IRC channel (via
- Connect to Bitsnoop IRC channel (via Kiwi IRC)
Bitsnoop is down
Bitsnoop’s torrent search was shut down in April 2017 and redirects to torrent site Zooqle. The torrent search was blocked by many ISPs around the world and decided to cease operations and hand over all torrent data to Zooqle.
The current site reads:
It’s been a nice ride, but all things eventually come to an end.
For now check out Zooqle – these guys seem to know their stuff. They took our data and said they will index it eventually.
Thank you. We love you. We will miss you. Keep being awesome.
— Your friendly robots and oppressed meatbags of Bitsnoop, 2008-2017
Bitsnoop alternatives
A list of meta torrent search engines, DHT search engines and torrent index search sites can be found here (torrent search sites).
Websites using the brand
The domain is not related to the original It just shows a framed version of KAT Torrents and displays advertising. is another copycat using Bitsnoop’s logo and design to mime the shut down torrent index. Actually provides a torrent index. But it looks like it is just a mirror of another torrent site (e.g. The Pirate Bay).
Founded in 2008, torrent search engine Bitsnoop was one of the fastest growing torrent sites.
Zoogle does not show that they have your data, they are lacking