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New BT4G proxy

As BT4G gets blocked in more and more countries around the world new proxies appeared and let visitors access the mirror site. Bookmark the BT4G proxy list for the latest working proxy sites. torrent page

What is BT4G torrents?

BT4G is a DHT torrent search engine. It participated in BitTorrent’s DHT network and presents a few torrent attributes and magnet download links on it’s search result pages.

The search engine found many users from China, South Korea and Japan. BT4G offers its torrent sites in different languages ​​and reaches its users in Chinese, Japanese and English.

Unblock BT4G with a proxy

Like many other sites in China BT4G is blocked and visitors need to use VPN or one of the available BT4G proxy sites.

Tags DHT torrent search, BT4G proxy,, magnet link search,
Language Chinese (Mandarin)
2 ratings
site status online for 446 days
torrent site typedownload torrents without registration

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sidebar: blocked in countries; 3 proxy sites, link to more; similar torrent sites; VPN ads